Our Vision
The vision of San Diego-WISH is to promote peace and harmony among all peoples, cultures, and nations. Our mission is to work toward the creation of a safer world for future generations and to educate people to live in harmony, using the unprecedented experience of the US-Japan relationship as a real-world example.
What San Diego-WISH Does
We founded this not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization to teach and inspire children, youth, families, and communities to respect, understand, and embrace people with different beliefs, cultures, views, and stances. We stand to provide opportunities to learn to collaborate or co-exist in harmony with those with various value systems for betterment of humanity and world peace. We work to make this happen at all levels within and among siblings, peers, couples, families, coworkers, communities, organizations, all the way to nations.
What’s Coming
We hold two annual events in early August, International Peace & Humanity Day World Peace Wishing Ceremony and Floating of Paper Lanterns. In addition, we visit schools and organizations to provide seminars, workshops, audio/video/written learning materials, and motivational speeches for all ages all year around, based on the requests.
With your help, we plan to provide the scholarships in the near future for aspired students who would like to become educators or helping professionals and have come from challenging backgrounds. Such backgrounds include single parent families, recent immigrants, or lower socio-economic status. We would like to open a door for these students to get educated and give back to the community for peace and humanity.
We believe harmony comes from healthy self-esteem of individuals. People who can truly love and respect themselves do not have to hate, fight, or oppress other people. Healthy mental state & interpersonal relationships bring healthy society. From this standpoint, we will provide services such as counseling, coaching, mentorship, and personal development training in the near future within positive psychology framework.